8BEC's blog

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I am writing about IoT, electronics and some AI stuff. I you want to find out more about me, check the social media channels.

Recent Posts

    Cloud-Connected Soil Moisture Sensor Using ESP8266

    Thu, Dec 22, 2016
    Today I’ve built a soil moisture sensor connected to the Internet of Things for less than 5€ using an ESP8266-12E and a cheap moisture sensor. The idea is to read the moisture value every x hours and put the ESP8266 into deep sleep mode. 1.Materials 1x ESP8266-12E 1x ESP8266-12E Break-Out Board (optional) 1x Soil Mositure Sensor some wires and resistors for the voltage divider 2.Build Wire up the components like shown in the following picture.

    ESP8266 on White Aliexpress Break-Out Board

    Tue, Dec 20, 2016
    Recently I’ve bought a couple of those super cheap ESP8266-12E devices and the proper white break-out boards. After soldering the ESP8266 on top of the break-board I ran a few tests and tried to get this little IoT device up and running, but I wasn’t able to do so. It took me quite a while to figure out that the VCC pin of the break-board wasn’t connected to the VCC pin going to the ESP8266 board.